
APIs have become more standardized, so Mirage has the concept of Shorthands to make it easy for you to write conventional endpoints. Shorthands can replace many of your custom route handlers, dramatically simplifying your server definition.

For example, this function route handler

this.get("/movies", (schema, request) => {
  return schema.movies.all()

is pretty standard: it responds to a URL path with a collection of the same name.

The Shorthand form of this is


This is a complete route handler. It infers the model name from the last part of the URL, and returns the corresponding collection.

Returning a single movie by ID is just as easy:


There are also Shorthands for creating and editing data. For example, this function route handler creates a new movie:"/movies", (schema, request) => {
  let attrs = JSON.parse(request.requestBody).movie

  return schema.movies.create(attrs)

It's also pretty standard: it creates a new model using the attributes from the request payload. The equivalent Shorthand is"/movies")

You can see the full list of available Shorthands below. Shorthands use default status codes based on the HTTP verb:

  • GET, PATCH/PUT and DEL are 200
  • POST is 201

GET Shorthands

Fetching a collection:

// Shorthand
this.get("/contacts") // finds type by singularizing url
this.get("/contacts", "users") // optionally specify the collection as second param

// equivalent
this.get("/contacts", (schema) => {
  return schema.contacts.all() // users in the second case

Fetching a model:

// Shorthand
this.get("/contacts/:id") // finds type by singularizing url
this.get("/contacts/:id", "user") // optionally specify the type as second param

// equivalent
this.get("/contacts/:id", (schema, request) => {
  let id =

  return schema.contacts.find(id) // users in the second case

Fetching multiple models by ID (for example, GET /contacts?ids=1,3):

// Shorthand
this.get("/contacts", { coalesce: true })
this.get("/contacts", "users", { coalesce: true })

// equivalent
this.get("/contacts", ({ contacts }, request) => {
  let ids = request.queryParams.ids

  return contacts.find(ids) // users in the second case

POST Shorthands

Creating a resource:

// Shorthand"/contacts") // finds type by singularizing url"/contacts", "user") // optionally specify the type as second param

// equivalent"/contacts", function (schema, request) {
  let attrs = this.normalizedRequestAttrs()

  return schema.contacts.create(attrs)

For this POST shorthand to work, Mirage needs to know the format of the JSON payload your app sends along with the request, so that it can insert the appropriate data into the database. See the note on normalize in the Serializer docs for more information.

PATCH/PUT Shorthands

Updating a resource:

// Shorthand (these also work with this.put)
this.patch("/contacts/:id") // finds type by singularizing url
this.patch("/contacts/:id", "user") // optionally specify the type as second param

// equivalent
this.patch("/contacts/:id", function (schema, request) {
  let id =
  let attrs = this.normalizedRequestAttrs()

  return schema.contacts.find(id).update(attrs)

For this PATCH shorthand to work, Mirage needs to know the format of the JSON payload your app sends along with the request, so that it can insert the appropriate data into the database. See the note on normalize in the Serializer docs for more information.

DELETE Shorthands

Destroying a resource:

// Shorthand
this.del("/contacts/:id") // finds type by singularizing url
this.del("/contacts/:id", "user") // optionally specify the type as second param

// equivalent
this.del("/contacts/:id", (schema, request) => {
  let id =


Destroying a resource and related models:

// Shorthand
this.del("/contacts/:id", ["contact", "addresses"])

// equivalent
this.del("/contacts/:id", ({ contacts }, request) => {
  let id =
  let contact = contacts.find(id)


To use this Shorthand, you must have the appropriate hasMany/belongsTo relationships defined in your data layer.

Resource helper

The resource helper lets you define multiple Shorthands for a given resource:

// Resource helper usage

// Shorthands defined
this.patch("/contacts/:id") // and this.put('/contacts/:id')

You can also whitelist which Shorthands will be defined using the only option:

this.resource("contacts", { only: ["index", "show"] })

// Shorthands defined

or which route handlers shouldn't be defined using except option:

this.resource("contacts", { except: ["update"] })

// Shorthands defined

If your route path and collection names do not match, you can define a relative or absolute path using the path option:

this.resource("blog-posts", { path: "/posts" })

// Shorthands defined
this.get("/posts", "blog-posts")
this.get("/posts/:id", "blog-posts")"/posts", "blog-posts")
this.put("/posts/:id", "blog-posts")
this.patch("/posts/:id", "blog-posts")
this.del("/posts/:id", "blog-posts")

Here is the full reference of the actions' names you can pass to the only / except options and the Shorthands they stand for:

Action   |  Shorthand
index    | this.get('/contacts')
show     | this.get('/contacts/:id')
create   |'/contacts')
update   | this.patch('contacts/:id') (or this.put)
delete   | this.del('/contacts/:id')

Shorthands are a key part of staying productive in your frontend codebase, but they only work so well because Mirage has a data layer that's aware of your application's domain model.

We'll cover the essential part of the data layer — the database — in the next section.